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It's an ABA podcast where Dr. Zachary Bird and Dr. Caleb Davis set aside time to have engaging conversation with experts in the field of behavior analysis to explore topics like ethics of functional analysis, punishment, social media, and others.

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May 1, 2020

This episode Zach and Caleb discuss research and clinical considerations regarding implementation of sleep treatments with Dr. Keira Moore. 

1 learning CE is available for this episode. You can purchase it at

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Things to check out from the episode:

Download Dr. Hanley’s Sleep Assessment and Treatment Tool for free: 

Ways to learn more about Dr. Moore’s consulting company and her upcoming continuing education events: 



Email her directly: 


Blampied, N. M., & France, K. G. (1993). A behavioral model of infant sleep disturbance. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 26(4), 477-492.

Friman, P. (2010). Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You - Now Get Into Bed and Go to Sleep!. (n.p.): Boys Town Press.

Friman, P. C., Hoff, K. E., Schnoes, C., Freeman, K. A., Woods, D. W., & Blum, N. (1999). The bedtime pass: An approach to bedtime crying and leaving the room. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 153(10), 1027-1029.

Jin, C. S., Hanley, G. P., & Beaulieu, L. (2013). An individualized and comprehensive approach to treating sleep problems in young children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 46(1), 161-180.

Kuhn, B. R., & Weidinger, D. (2000). Interventions for infant and toddler sleep disturbance: A review. Child & Family Behavior Therapy22(2), 33-50.

Piazza, C. C., & Fisher, W. (1991). A faded bedtime with response cost protocol for treatment of multiple sleep problems in children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 24(1), 129-140.

Walker, M. (2017). Why we sleep: Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams. Simon and Schuster.